Access to university resources

Here are some options to connect to the University resources, blocked to access from outside the campus:
Users who are connected to the University as a provider (ISP), University resources are accessible directly from the home page of the University.
Options 2-5 require pre-registration to the service.

  1. Access to university resources: Library, CampusNet, Faculty applications, Google Scholar … 
    [Can be also accessed via the following link]
    Some of the University's resources are inaccessible to users connected to the Internet via an external Internet provider.
    By identifying on this site, resources are accessible to all University students and faculty members.
    Note: For users who are connected to the Internet via the University as this ISP, University's resources are accessible directly from the home page of the University.
    For more information: Guidelines for academic and administrative staff | Guidelines for students  | Students' Training Video  (H)
  2. Connecting to the university through a different Internet provider (ISP)
    [Can be also accessed via the following link]
    The service is offered for staff members and external contractors who want to connect to the university environment and run applications that work only in this environment.
    To activate the service a form of connecting request to the university network through another ISP must be filled.
  3. Access to a PC in your office
    [Can be also accessed via the following link
    The service is offered to faculty members who want to connect from home to their office' computer.
    To activate the service a form of Connecting request to the university network through another ISP must be filled.
  4. Access for the DepStatistic sartment (SAP)
    Designed for studentsof the Statistics Department. Registry is done through the Department Office.
  5. One Time Password Issue for Cisco-Client (access for the University environment)
    OTP system is designed to provide a different password for each remote connection to the University's resources.
    The service is intended for users who need access to systems / different software found around campus and are inaccessable off campus.
    See instructions How to generate password


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