Ph.D. Study Departments
Ph.D in Israel Studies
The Department of Israel Studies is a multidisciplinary department that focuses on the Land of Israel and all aspects of the events that took place in it in different ages.
The curriculum deals with the history of the nations and entities that operated in, inhabited, and still inhabit the Land of Israel and the State of Israel with respect to Israel’s physical geography, historical geography, socio-economic geography, sociology, anthropology, material culture and political science.
The Department of Israel Studies concentrates on all aspects of the special interest in the land itself, its inhabitants, landscape characteristics, history, and human uniqueness.
See website of the Graduate Studies Authority
The program is divided into two stages:
Stage I Research Student—This stage may not exceed 12 months.
Stage II Research Student
The first year of the program is mostly dedicated to preparing a detailed research plan to be submitted to the Departmental Doctoral Committee with the doctoral supervisor’s approval. Once approved, applicants have the status of Stage II research students.
In each stage, students will attend a research seminar for doctoral students within the offers of the School of History (two seminars in total).
The doctoral supervisor will determine the research student’s curriculum and its scope, which will then be approved by the Departmental Doctoral Committee. The curriculum will include courses up to a scope of 16 weekly semester hours and no more than four courses. The committee may require that the student be examined (orally or in writing) in the courses he/or she is enrolled in. The only seminar requirement is active participation.
On completing the study requirements and dissertation, the students will submit a copy signed by their supervisors to the Departmental Doctoral Committee. After evaluating the student’s study program and dissertation, the committee will recommend the appointment of evaluators and transfer the dissertation to the Graduate Studies Authority.
Post Ph.D. employment: tourism, KKL, the Antiquities Authority, teaching Israel Studies at school level (for certified teachers), museums, curatorship, and academic research and teaching.