Masters Degree Study Departments
Master’s degree in Natural Resources and Environmental Management
Learning period: Research track: 3 years, non research track: 2 years | Registration Status: open for Fall semester 2020-2021| Department web site
Admission Requirements
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, established in 1998, is the first department dealing with administrative aspects of natural resources and the environment. The Department trains high academic and professional level personnel, to cope with and solve problems on the managerial level, in systems involved in policy and decision-making regarding the environment and intelligent, sustainable use of natural resources.
The Department is anchored in the Faculty of Management and grants Master’s degrees (M.A. with or without a thesis) and doctorates in Natural Resources and Environmental Management in three study programs (Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Energy Management and Policy, and Sustainability Management in the Built Environment; the last two are affiliate programs). The Department also has, in conjunction with the Faculty’s Department of Business Administration, an international program in English, granting an MBA degree.
Admission Requirements
Bachelor’s degree with a grade point average of at least 80 Department interview Other requirements specified on the department’s website
Bachelor’s degree with a grade point average of at least 80 Department interview Other requirements specified on the department’s website
Employment options after graduation: The Department’s graduates join governmental and non-governmental institutions as well as consultation and planning firms in management positions, and attest to the fact that their studies in the Department contributed to their professional development. It is also possible to engage in academic research and teaching.